What is the Prerequisite To Learn Cyber Security?

Updated 06/20/2024


What is the Prerequisite To Learn Cyber Security?

Cyber security is the process of protecting an organization’s computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access or damage. Cyberattacks and threats can access, change, or destroy sensitive information such as passwords, financial information, medical records, and other confidential data. Cyber security is a vital and growing field that requires skilled and qualified professionals to defend against cyber risks and challenges. But how do you get into cyber security? What are the prerequisites to learn cyber security? What skills and certifications do you need to succeed in this field? In this article, we will answer these questions and suggest where to get Security Awareness Training:

Understanding Cyber Security

Before diving into the technical aspects of cyber security getting Security Awareness Training, it is essential to understand the core concepts and principles used in this sector. This includes understanding the different cyber threats many businesses and consumers face, such as malware, ransomware, phishing, denial-of-service, and more. It also includes understanding the common attack methods and techniques used by cyber criminals, such as social engineering, brute force, password cracking, and more. Some of these resources include YouTube videos, podcasts, blogs, and free online courses offered by reputable organizations such as Coursera and CompTIA. These resources can help you jumpstart your cyber security learning and help you grasp the basics of the industry successfully.

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Core Prerequisites for Learning Cyber Security

While there are no specific degree requirements or prerequisites for cyber security jobs, most employers will be looking for a bachelor’s degree in computer science, Security Awareness Training, or a related technical field. Having a degree in these disciplines can provide you with a solid foundation in core cyber security topics, such as network security, cryptography, ethical hacking, digital forensics, and more. However, if you do not have a degree in these fields, you can still pursue a career in cyber security by acquiring relevant Security Awareness Training and certifications through other means, such as online courses, bootcamps, and self-study.

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Some of the core prerequisites for learning cyber security are:

Knowledge of networking, systems, and security protocols

You need to have a good understanding of how computer networks, operating systems, and security protocols work and how they can be configured, monitored, and protected. You need to be familiar with concepts such as TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, SSL, VPN, firewall, antivirus, and more. You also need to know how to use tools such as Wireshark, Nmap, Metasploit, and more to analyze and test network and system security.

Knowledge of programming and scripting languages

You need to have some basic knowledge of programming and scripting languages, such as Python, Java, C, C++, Ruby, PowerShell, and more. These languages can help you automate tasks, develop tools, exploit vulnerabilities, and perform analysis and research. You do not need to be an expert in these languages, but you need to know how to read, write, and modify code and scripts for cyber security purposes.

Knowledge of mathematics and cryptography

You need to have some basic knowledge of mathematics and cryptography, such as algebra, calculus, statistics, logic, and more. These topics can help you understand how encryption, decryption, hashing, digital signatures, and other cryptographic techniques work and how they can be used to secure data and communications. You also need to know how to use tools such as OpenSSL, GPG, and more to perform cryptographic operations.

Educational Pathways and Certifications

There are many educational pathways and certifications that can help you learn cyber security Security Awareness Training and advance your career in this field but Consilen is the best option. Depending on your current level of education, experience, and goals, you can choose the best option for you. Some of the common options are:

Online courses

Online courses are a flexible and affordable way to learn cyber security from anywhere and at your own pace. You can find online courses on various platforms, such as Coursera, edX, Udemy, and more, that cover a wide range of cyber security topics, from beginner to advanced level. You can also earn certificates of completion or specialization from these platforms that can showcase your skills and knowledge to potential employers.


Bootcamps are intensive and immersive programs that can help you learn cyber security in a short period of time, usually from a few weeks to a few months. You can find bootcamps that are offered online or in-person by various organizations, such as General Assembly, Flatiron School, and more, that provide you with hands-on training, mentorship, and career support. You can also earn certificates or diplomas from these bootcamps that can demonstrate your proficiency and readiness for cyber security jobs.


Certifications are industry-recognized credentials that can help you validate your skills and knowledge in specific areas of cyber security. You can find certifications that are offered by various organizations, such as CompTIA, ISC2, EC-Council, and more, that cater to different levels of experience and expertise. Some of the popular certifications are CompTIA Security+, CISSP, CEH, and more. You can prepare for these certifications by taking online courses, reading books, or attending training sessions.

Developing Key Skills and Mindset

Besides the technical skills and knowledge, you also need to develop some key skills and mindset that are essential for success in cyber security. These skills and mindset can help you perform your tasks effectively, solve problems creatively, and adapt to changing situations. Some of the key skills and mindset are:

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Analytical and critical thinking skills

You need to have strong analytical and critical thinking skills that can help you identify, analyze, and solve cyber security problems and challenges. You need to be able to collect, process, and interpret data and information from various sources and use them to make informed decisions and recommendations. You also need to be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different solutions and approaches and choose the best one for the given situation.

Communication and collaboration skills

You need to have good communication and collaboration skills that can help you communicate effectively with different stakeholders, such as clients, colleagues, managers, and vendors. You need to be able to express your ideas, findings, and suggestions clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. You also need to be able to listen actively, ask questions, and provide feedback. Moreover, you need to be able to work well with others, share knowledge, and coordinate actions.

Practical Experience and Hands-On Training

One of the best ways to learn cyber security and enhance your skills and knowledge is to gain practical experience and hands-on training. This can help you apply what you have learned in real-world scenarios, test your abilities, and learn from your outcomes. There are many ways to gain practical experience and hands-on training in cyber security, such as:

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Internships and apprenticeships

Internships and apprenticeships are opportunities that can help you learn cyber security from experienced professionals and mentors in a work environment. You can find internships and apprenticeships that are offered by various organizations, such as government agencies, private companies, non-profit organizations, and more, that can provide you with valuable exposure and guidance. You can also earn credits, stipends, or salaries from these opportunities and build your network and reputation.

Projects and portfolios

Projects and portfolios are showcases that can help you demonstrate your skills and knowledge in cyber security to potential employers and clients. You can create projects and portfolios by working on real or simulated cyber security problems and challenges, such as performing vulnerability assessments, conducting penetration tests, developing security tools, and more. You can also use platforms such as GitHub, LinkedIn, and more to host and share your projects and portfolios online and get feedback and recognition.

Competitions and events

Competitions and events are platforms that can help you challenge yourself and learn from others in cyber security. You can participate in competitions and events that are organized by various organizations, such as universities, companies, communities, and more, that can test your skills and knowledge in different aspects of cyber security, such as hacking, forensics, defense, and more. You can also win prizes, awards, or scholarships from these competitions and events and expand your network and opportunities.

Community and Networking

Another important aspect of learning cyber security is to join and engage with the cyber security community and network. This can help you learn from the experts, peers, and enthusiasts in the field, exchange ideas and insights, and discover new trends and opportunities. There are many ways to join and engage with the cyber security community and network, such as:

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Online forums and groups

Online forums and groups are spaces that can help you connect and interact with other cyber security learners and professionals online. You can find online forums and groups on various platforms, such as Reddit, Quora, Stack Overflow, and more, that cover a wide range of cyber security topics, from beginner to advanced level. You can also ask questions, answer queries, and share your experiences and opinions with others.

Professional associations and organizations

Professional associations and organizations are entities that can help you access valuable resources, events, and opportunities in cyber security. You can find professional associations and organizations that are offered by various entities, such as IEEE, ISACA, EC-Council, and more, that cater to different levels of experience and expertise. You can also earn certifications, attend conferences, and join chapters and committees from these associations and organizations.

Meetups and events

Meetups and events are platforms that can help you meet and network with other cyber security professionals and enthusiasts in person. You can find meetups and events that are organized by various groups, such as universities, companies, communities, and more, that can test your skills and knowledge in different aspects of cyber security, such as hacking, forensics, defense, and more. You can also win prizes, awards, or scholarships from these meetups and events and expand your network and opportunities.

By joining and engaging with the cyber security community and network, you can enhance your learning experience, broaden your perspective, and advance your career in cyber security.


Cyber security is a fascinating and rewarding field that requires a combination of technical skills, knowledge, and mindset. To learn cyber security, you need to understand the core concepts and principles, acquire the core prerequisites, pursue the educational pathways and certifications, develop the key skills and mindset, gain the practical experience and hands-on training, and join and engage with the cyber security community and network. Are you ready to dive into the world of cybersecurity but not sure where to start? At Consilien IT, we understand that the journey to becoming a cybersecurity expert begins with a solid foundation and our Security Awareness Training. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how you can meet the prerequisites to become a cybersecurity champion!