
[Video] CPRA: How to Prepare Your B2B Organization, Executive Roundtable Session 2

Updated 01/10/2023

Cybersecurity | Compliance | News

[Video] CPRA: How to Prepare Your B2B Organization, Executive Roundtable Session 2

Understand the impact of CPRA (the California Privacy Rights Act) on your business and what you need to know regarding managing, maintaining, and protecting employee and applicant data.

Our second executive roundtable features Diana Iketani, Certified Privacy Attorney, and Eric H Kong, CEO of Consilien. 

About CPRA: The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) was enacted on January 1st, 2023.

This regulation is an amendment to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which applies primarily to for-profit B2C organizations. However, the newer version of this regulation now includes the privacy rights of employees, applicants, and independent contractors.

Please watch our information session below and contact us with any questions. You can also learn more about CCPA and CPRA here.

View Session One Here