Behind the Scenes of a Cyber Attack: Lessons Learned from Real-Life Security Breaches

Updated 08/01/2024


Behind the Scenes of a Cyber Attack: Lessons Learned from Real-Life Security Breaches

Cyber-attacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, posing a serious threat to the security and privacy of individuals and organizations. Cybercriminals use various tactics and techniques to infiltrate, compromise, and exploit digital systems and data. Some of the common methods include phishing, ransomware, denial-of-service, malware, and credential theft. Cyberattacks can have serious consequences for the victims, such as financial losses, reputational damage, legal liabilities, and operational disruptions. In this article, we will explore some real-life examples of cyber breaches that occurred in recent years, and what lessons we can learn from them to improve our cyber resilience.

Royal Mail Ransomware Attack (October 2023)

Royal Mail, the UK postal service, was hit by a ransomware attack that encrypted critical data and demanded a ransom for its release. The attackers exploited a vulnerability in an application programming interface (API) that could retrieve customer details without any authentication. The API was mistakenly exposed to the internet due to human error, and the attackers used it to access and encrypt millions of customer records.

Royal Mail Ransomware Attack

Lesson learned

This incident highlights the importance of implementing robust backup strategies, incident response plans, security awareness training, and email hygiene. Regular backups can help restore data in case of a ransomware attack, and incident response plans can help contain and mitigate the damage. Security awareness training can help employees identify and avoid phishing emails, which are often used to deliver ransomware. Email hygiene can help filter out malicious emails and attachments before they reach the users.

Okta Customer Support System Breach (January 2024)

Okta, a cloud-based identity and access management service, suffered a breach that compromised its customer support system. The breach was caused by an employee who unintentionally saved their Okta service account credentials into their personal Google account. The credentials were then accessed by an unauthorized third party, who used them to log into Okta’s customer support system and view sensitive information of Okta’s customers, including some of the world’s leading companies.

Okta Customer Support System Breach

Lesson learned

This incident demonstrates the need for enforcing strict access control policies, monitoring user activity, and implementing multi-factor authentication. Access control policies can help limit the exposure of sensitive data and systems to only authorized users and devices. Monitoring user activity can help detect and prevent anomalous or malicious behavior. Multi-factor authentication can add an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access, even if credentials are compromised.

SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack (December 2022)

SolarWinds, a software company that provides network management and monitoring tools, was the victim of one of the most sophisticated and widespread cyber attacks in history. The attackers infiltrated SolarWinds’ software development process and inserted malicious code into one of its products, Orion. The code was then distributed to thousands of SolarWinds’ customers, including government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. The code allowed the attackers to gain remote access to the networks of the affected customers and steal sensitive data.

SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack

Lesson learned

This incident illustrates the challenges and risks of securing the software supply chain, and the need for adopting a zero-trust approach to cybersecurity. Securing the software supply chain requires ensuring the integrity and security of every component and process involved in the development, delivery, and deployment of software. A zero-trust approach means verifying the identity and trustworthiness of every user, device, and request before granting access to any resource, and applying the principle of least privilege.

Equifax Data Breach (September 2017)

Equifax, one of the largest credit reporting agencies, suffered a massive data breach that exposed the personal information of nearly 147 million individuals. The breach included sensitive data such as names, Social Security numbers, birthdates, and addresses, leaving millions vulnerable to identity theft and fraud. The breach was caused by a known vulnerability in the Apache Struts web application framework that Equifax failed to patch in time.

Equifax Data Breach

Lesson learned

This incident highlights the importance of timely patch management, transparency in communication, and compliance with data protection regulations. Patch management is crucial for preventing known vulnerabilities from being exploited by hackers. Transparency in communication is paramount for building trust and informing affected individuals about the breach and the steps they can take to protect themselves. Compliance with data protection regulations is essential for avoiding legal and reputational consequences, as Equifax faced fines, lawsuits, and sanctions for violating the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other standards.

Marriott Starwood Hotel Data Breach (November 2018)

Marriott, the world’s largest hotel chain, disclosed a data breach that affected up to 500 million guests who stayed at its Starwood hotel properties. The breach exposed personal and financial information, such as names, email addresses, passport numbers, and credit card details. The breach was traced back to a compromised database that Marriott inherited when it acquired Starwood in 2016. The hackers had access to the database since 2014, making it one of the longest-running breaches in history.

Marriott Starwood Hotel Data Breach

Lesson learned

This incident demonstrates the need for conducting thorough due diligence, implementing strong encryption, and monitoring network activity. Due diligence is vital for assessing the security posture of any acquired or merged entity, and ensuring that any existing vulnerabilities or breaches are identified and remediated. Encryption is critical for protecting data at rest and in transit, and preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information. Network activity monitoring is key for detecting and responding to any suspicious or malicious activity on the network, and preventing hackers from remaining undetected for long periods.

Twitter Bitcoin Scam (July 2020)

Twitter, the popular social media platform, was the target of a coordinated attack that compromised the accounts of several high-profile users, such as Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. The attackers used the accounts to post messages that urged followers to send Bitcoin to a specific address, promising to double the amount in return. The scam netted over $100,000 worth of Bitcoin from unsuspecting victims. The attack was carried out by exploiting Twitter’s internal tools and systems, which the hackers accessed by phishing the credentials of Twitter employees.

Twitter Bitcoin Scam

Lesson learned

This incident illustrates the need for securing internal tools and systems, implementing role-based access control, and educating employees on phishing prevention. Internal tools and systems are powerful and sensitive, and should be protected from unauthorized or malicious use. Role-based access control can help limit the access and privileges of users based on their roles and responsibilities, and prevent abuse of power. Phishing prevention education can help employees recognize and avoid phishing emails, which are often used to steal credentials or deliver malware.


Cyber-attacks are inevitable, but they can be prevented or mitigated with proper security measures and practices. By learning from the real-life examples of cyber breaches, we can identify the common vulnerabilities and threats, and apply the best practices and solutions to protect ourselves and our organizations. If you need help with improving your cyber security posture, you can contact Consilien IT Company, a trusted and experienced provider of cyber security services and solutions. They can help you assess your current security level, identify and address your security gaps, and implement a comprehensive and tailored security strategy.